Applied example for alternatives to logistic regression


Logistic regression is often used to analyze experiments with binary outcomes (e.g., pass vs fail) and binary predictors (e.g., treatment vs control). Although appropriate, there are other possible models that can be run that may provide easier to interpret results.

In addition, some of these models may be quicker to run. Some may say that this point is moot given the availability of computing power today but if you’ve ever tried to run a hierarchical generalized linear model with a logit link function and a binary outcome, you know that when using R (using glmer or nlme) this may take quite a long time (and cross your fingers that you don’t have convergence issues).

The following code replicates the example (see the manuscript for details) in the article:

Huang, F. (2019). Alternatives to logistic regression models with binary outcomes. Journal of Experimental Education. doi: 10.1080/00220973.2019.1699769

Data are based on the article of Huang and Cornell (2015). Using an online survey, investigators tested for the presence of the question-order effect. Based on a random number generated when the students took the survey, they were placed in either the treatment (n = 1037) or control (n = 963) condition. Students in the treatment condition were asked four specific types bullying questions (i.e., verbal, physical, social, cyber) and then were asked a general bullying question (“I have been bullied in the past year”). Students in the control condition were asked the general bullying question first and then the specific bullying questions. We hypothesized that students who were asked the specific bullying questions first would report overall higher bullying vs the control group.

1. Examining cross tabs

Load in the required packages:

library(dplyr) #just for the pipe, %>%
library(logbin) #to run a log binomial model with a function
library(summarytools) #for nicer crosstabs
library(jtools) #for easier exp, confints, and adjusted standard errors

Load and examine the data frame:

#specify the location on website
dat <- url("") 
load(dat) #load in data from the website
summary(jxe) #name of the data.frame
##      abully           tord            female          gl      race    
##  Min.   :0.000   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0000   9th :446   w:1278  
##  1st Qu.:0.000   1st Qu.:0.0000   1st Qu.:0.0000   10th:530   b: 287  
##  Median :0.000   Median :1.0000   Median :1.0000   11th:517   h: 170  
##  Mean   :0.126   Mean   :0.5185   Mean   :0.5005   12th:507   a:  79  
##  3rd Qu.:0.000   3rd Qu.:1.0000   3rd Qu.:1.0000              o: 186  
##  Max.   :1.000   Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :1.0000
##      abully tord female   gl race
## 6910      0    0      1 10th    w
## 8394      0    0      0  9th    w
## 7293      0    1      1  9th    w
## 8491      0    1      0 10th    w
## 4374      1    1      0 10th    w
## 1594      0    1      1 10th    b
## [1] 2000    5

Review some crosstabs. All computations are based on the table below. tord is the treatment variable. abully indicates if the respondent had been bullied.

tt <- ctable(jxe$abully, jxe$tord, prop = 'c')
## Cross-Tabulation, Column Proportions  
## abully * tord  
## Data Frame: jxe  
## -------- ------ -------------- --------------- ---------------
##            tord              0               1           Total
##   abully                                                      
##        0          863 ( 89.6%)    885 ( 85.3%)   1748 ( 87.4%)
##        1          100 ( 10.4%)    152 ( 14.7%)    252 ( 12.6%)
##    Total          963 (100.0%)   1037 (100.0%)   2000 (100.0%)
## -------- ------ -------------- --------------- ---------------
tt$cross_table #crosstabs
##        tord
## abully     0    1 Total
##   0      863  885  1748
##   1      100  152   252
##   Total  963 1037  2000
tt$proportions #proportions
##               0         1 Total
## 0     0.8961578 0.8534233 0.874
## 1     0.1038422 0.1465767 0.126
## Total 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.000
(14.66 / 85.34) / (10.38 / 89.62) #OR = 1.48 
## [1] 1.483163
14.66 - 10.38 #risk difference: 4.28
## [1] 4.28
14.66 / 10.38 #risk ratio: 1.41
## [1] 1.412331

2. Models without covariates

For comparability, see how the results above map on to the first set of regressions without covariates:

tab6.log1 <- glm(abully ~ tord, data = jxe, family = binomial)
summ(tab6.log1, exp = T)$coef %>% round(3)
##             exp(Est.)  2.5% 97.5%  z val.     p
## (Intercept)     0.116 0.094 0.143 -20.404 0.000
## tord            1.482 1.132 1.940   2.865 0.004
tab6.lpm1 <- glm(abully ~ tord, data = jxe) #risk difference
summ(tab6.lpm1, confint = T, robust = 'HC3')$coef %>% round(3)
##              Est.  2.5% 97.5% t val.     p
## (Intercept) 0.104 0.085 0.123 10.553 0.000
## tord        0.043 0.014 0.072  2.896 0.004
tab6.poi1 <- glm(abully ~ tord, data = jxe, family = poisson) #risk ratio
summ(tab6.poi1, robust = 'HC3')$coef %>% round(3)
##               Est.  S.E.  z val.     p
## (Intercept) -2.265 0.095 -23.900 0.000
## tord         0.345 0.121   2.852 0.004

If you want to run a log-binomial model

logb <- update(tab6.lpm1, family = binomial(link = 'log'))
#logb <- logbin(abully ~ tord, data = jxe)
summ(logb, exp = T, digits = 3, robust = 'HC3')$coef %>% round(3)
##             exp(Est.)  2.5% 97.5%  z val.     p
## (Intercept)     0.104 0.086 0.125 -23.900 0.000
## tord            1.412 1.114 1.789   2.852 0.004

3. Models with covariates

Compare these to the results in Table 6 in the article with the covariates:

tab6.log2 <- glm(abully ~ tord + female + gl + race, data = jxe, family = binomial)
summ(tab6.log2, exp = T)$coef %>% round(3)
##             exp(Est.)  2.5% 97.5%  z val.     p
## (Intercept)     0.149 0.105 0.211 -10.706 0.000
## tord            1.487 1.134 1.951   2.866 0.004
## female          1.184 0.906 1.547   1.239 0.215
## gl10th          0.749 0.525 1.068  -1.597 0.110
## gl11th          0.633 0.438 0.914  -2.439 0.015
## gl12th          0.515 0.348 0.761  -3.333 0.001
## raceb           0.646 0.411 1.015  -1.895 0.058
## raceh           1.227 0.780 1.929   0.885 0.376
## racea           1.512 0.826 2.769   1.340 0.180
## raceo           1.165 0.747 1.815   0.674 0.501
tab6.lpm2 <- update(tab6.log2, family = gaussian)
summ(tab6.lpm2, confint = T, robust = 'HC3')$coef %>% round(3)
##               Est.   2.5%  97.5% t val.     p
## (Intercept)  0.138  0.098  0.178  6.707 0.000
## tord         0.042  0.013  0.071  2.873 0.004
## female       0.018 -0.011  0.047  1.231 0.218
## gl10th      -0.038 -0.083  0.008 -1.631 0.103
## gl11th      -0.055 -0.100 -0.011 -2.440 0.015
## gl12th      -0.074 -0.117 -0.030 -3.331 0.001
## raceb       -0.040 -0.077 -0.003 -2.109 0.035
## raceh        0.024 -0.033  0.081  0.825 0.409
## racea        0.051 -0.035  0.138  1.161 0.246
## raceo        0.017 -0.037  0.071  0.625 0.532
tab6.poi2 <- update(tab6.log2, family = poisson)
summ(tab6.poi2, exp = T, robust = 'HC3')$coef %>% round(3)
##             exp(Est.)  2.5% 97.5%  z val.     p
## (Intercept)     0.128 0.096 0.172 -13.815 0.000
## tord            1.411 1.114 1.787   2.852 0.004
## female          1.157 0.917 1.458   1.232 0.218
## gl10th          0.785 0.581 1.060  -1.581 0.114
## gl11th          0.678 0.494 0.929  -2.421 0.015
## gl12th          0.563 0.401 0.793  -3.295 0.001
## raceb           0.678 0.449 1.024  -1.845 0.065
## raceh           1.190 0.811 1.746   0.888 0.374
## racea           1.417 0.858 2.339   1.363 0.173
## raceo           1.140 0.781 1.664   0.678 0.498
tab6.logbin <- update(tab6.log2, family = binomial(link = 'log'))
## using logbinomial, adding `em` to speed up the estimation
## tab6.logbin <- logbin(abully ~ tord + female + gl + race, 
##              data = jxe, method = 'em')
summ(tab6.logbin, exp = T, confint = T, robust = 'HC3')$coef %>% round(3)
##             exp(Est.)  2.5% 97.5%  z val.     p
## (Intercept)     0.128 0.096 0.171 -13.869 0.000
## tord            1.412 1.115 1.788   2.866 0.004
## female          1.165 0.924 1.468   1.291 0.197
## gl10th          0.780 0.578 1.052  -1.628 0.104
## gl11th          0.672 0.491 0.921  -2.470 0.013
## gl12th          0.565 0.402 0.794  -3.288 0.001
## raceb           0.674 0.446 1.019  -1.872 0.061
## raceh           1.187 0.809 1.741   0.876 0.381
## racea           1.422 0.863 2.342   1.382 0.167
## raceo           1.142 0.782 1.666   0.687 0.492

The pattern of results are similar. The Poisson, log-binomial, and linear probability models however may provide results that are easier to understand (especially if communicating results to a lay audience who do not understand odds ratios).


Huang, F., & Cornell, D. (2015). Order and definitional effects in bullying surveys: Results from an experimental study. Psychological Assessment, 27, 1484-1493. doi:



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